Monday, October 13, 2014

No More Scary Homework!

New Florida Dept. of Education ESE Website

Check out this website for parents in Florida. The site is designed specifically to assist parents as they navigate the ESE process, from early intervention through transition to college and/or career.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Pinellas County District Resources

Have you heard your school is in an 'Area' and not sure what area you are in? 

Here you can find the list of schools along with the Area Superintendent:

Also, if your child is in Exceptional Student Education, there is an Area IDEA Team Leader who can also be of assistance to you. Find their information here: 

Did you know that our district has a Strategic Plan? It can be found by following this link:

There is also a Student Code of Conduct that must be followed. You can find it here:

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Awesome MATH Virtual Manipulatives

Does your child struggle with MATH? Pre-K thru 12th Grade.

Check out this awesome resource of virtual manipulatives available

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

It's Nothing Personal, really it's not...

This is a wonderful article on a parent's blog that hits so close to home. If you have ever worked with my child or if you do in the future, please know now that it truly is 'nothing personal'...but if I don't advocate for my child, nobody else will. And for MY child, the sky is the limit!

Check it out

Friday, January 24, 2014

Important Resources For Families

State of Florida Procedural Safeguards 

Developing Quality IEP's Book

Parents Intro to Exceptional Student Education Book

Accommodations Book

Policies and Procedures Link on FLDOE

Pinellas County Current Policies and Procedures

Florida Dept. of Education Website

Pinellas County Schools ESE

Hillsborough County Schools ESE

Pasco County Schools ESE

FDLRS Wikispaces

FLDOE Technical Assistance Papers